Transport Infrastructure

The transportation sector is one of the key sectors within civil engineering, encompassing everything from road and rail construction, (temporary) access roads and bridges to airport infrastructure.

While it is probably the most establish part of civil infrastructure, it is also one that is faced with numerous challenges as our world changes. Continued increases in population and economic activity means higher pressure on our transport infrastructure. In developed regions this will lead to a need to perform the required restoration and to upgrade existing infrastructure to better manage these increased loads, while also creating new infrastructure.

In less developed regions there will be a higher demand for new infrastructure to fully connect the regions and people together. Faced with the current climate change issues, there
is a strong focus on finding solutions to minimize the environmental impact of infrastructure projects while maintaining the quality of the construction. Geosynthetic products have been used successfully for decades in all sorts of infrastructure projects, performing numerous functions.

The use of our reinforcement products such as geogrids allow construction over weak soils, improving performance and reducing maintenance costs.

In railways our complete range of geotextiles, drainage composites and reinforcement products allow for more durable and long-lasting constructions that efficiently evacuate excess water and avoid contamination of the different layers.

Typical applications

  • Highway edge drainage
  • Separating layer
  • Reinforcement over weak subsoils
  • Drainage in railway
  • Slope reinforcement
  • Embankment drainage
  • Tunnels & bridges
  • Temporary acces roads


  • reduced carbon footprint
  • significant increase in speed of construction
  • reduced need for excavated materials
  • consistent performance in filtration and drainage
  • easy installation

Get in touch with us or reach out to one of our member companies for more information or assistance.

Additional information

Contact Bontexgeo Group for further information

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